Omron FQ-M Vision

Omron FQ-M Vision Sensor - Pick & Place Applications

Omron FQ-M Vision Sensor Omron FQ-M smart camera meets the need of demanding object recognition and tracking applications. Specially designed for pick & place applications. The Omron FQ-M is compact, fast and communicates with all devices via EtherCAT or standard Ethernet.

Omron FQ-M Main Features

  • Made of pick & place applications
  • Encoder input for conveyor tracking
  • Sharpe based object detection
  • Smart calibration wizard
  • Sysmac Studio Software for vision systems

For more information about the Omron FQ-M vision sensor, download the product datasheet here.

The Omron FQ-M ensures stable and robust shape based detection even under changeable environmental conditions and has been designed for inspection of a wide range of objects.

The sensor can detect up to 32 pieces at once with absolute stability and more than 5000 pieces per minute even at a 360 degree rotation. The incremental encoder interface simplifies initial calibration of the system and enables tracking for tightly synchronised control.

The Omron FQ-M is just 100x 75x 50mm making this vision sensor compact enough to make mounting simple in even the most challenging of automation environments.

Setup of the FQ-M vision sensor is performed through vision editor of the Sysmac Studio software providing intuitive, icon-drive configuration making it easy to achieve optimum vision setting.

Object detection is based on a contour-based search providing excellent reliability, regardless of changing lighting conditions, reflection and object inclination. The algorithm can even cope with overlapped or partially hidden objects.

For more information about the Omron FQ-M pick and place vision sensor, contact More Control on 0345 00 00 400.


Office Address 

21 Drakes Mews
Crownhill Industrial Estate
Milton Keynes

Tel: 0345 00 00 400


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